The only difference is that a 43 byte cache gets created in memory every time I load the website.

I got this pop up warning 22 times out of 25 tries. I started observing "Warning: Unresponsive script" on my website few weeks ago. I also observed that this only happens in Firefox but not Chrome. The pop-up window shows a script path but doesn't not allow me to copy the text - it ends with /lib/jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2.
It causes the browser to freeze and the whole Mac becomes unusable as it hogs up all the RAM (and i have 12 GB). There is nothing in that line but I am guessing initializing UI fields is taking most of the time. Adguard 2.1.5 has been causing Unresponsive Script errors in Firefox on numerous web pages. There are exemptions of course, for instance if you run an extension that modifies the behavior on a particular site for instance.I have a website that is written in Java (1500 LOC) and compiled to javascript with GWT (Google Web Tools). KevinWorkman When I see the unresponsive script warning and click on debug script in firefox, it shows me the last line (line 12346) of.

Generally speaking it is more likely that an extension is the cause if you encounter the error on several different websites while a warning on the same website points to a faulty JavaScript on that website instead. The last error message there should hint at the cause of the error. Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates on LSU Football and Recruiting. Users need to stop the script and access the Firefox Error Console using the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-J or with a click on Firefox > Web Developer > Error Console in the menu. Firefox is still stopping and operating very slow on TD. It's actually pretty easy to discover the cause for the warning message. Steps To Fix Script in Firefox: 1) Click on the four bars icon on the. Remember to write down the addons or extensions you want to reinstall before refreshing firefox. It was very frustrating but the solution is actually really simple. It could be caused by a Firefox add-on or by a website which uses faulty JavaScript code. It kept popping up and freezing the browser.

There are two possible causes for the error. The strange thing was that the website seemed to have loaded completely and that the warning was displayed despite of this. That's a pretty vague warning and I was puzzled at first about the cause of it. I have been encountering a warning in Firefox lately which notified me the that a script on the current website was unresponsive asking me if I wanted to stop or continue.